
Logo | Web | Other

Art   |   Photos   |   Music   |   Writing   |   Podcast

If you are passionate about your business then you've come to the right place! 


Our Brand Building Philosophy:

 Brain.webpYour Brand is Rental Space you own in other people's minds. It's a volatile place to do business, it takes a great deal of skill to navigate, we call it a 'mind-field', and it's a space we understand really well. For everyone wanting to build a successful brand is absolutely critical to get branding right in this home environment:
Other People's Minds.
Other People's Minds are based on perception and sentiment, very few people feel the way you do about your brand until they move from being followers to fans to believers.

It is essential that your brand's MESSAGE, your brand's IMAGE, and your client's EXPERIENCE are all consistent and all good! At Alan Jones Design we focus on the harmony of these three brand building elements.

With over 30 years experience in Logo Design and Brand Development, Web and PWA Development, and design for Print and Online Publishing, Alan Jones Design (with AssetBrand, brand asset management) is the right choice for your brand.

Brandocracy is our Brand Showcase website. It is also a Web Design Showcase:


Who is Alan Jones?

In 2009, with close to 20 years in graphic design, Alan relocated from Johannesburg, South Africa to Western Washington in the USA with his wife, Meg and their son Daniel.
Alan studied Graphic Design, Business Management, and Theology. He has had many opportunities in both ministry and business in his +30 year career. Alan started a graphic and web business in 1999 called AccessIPD which he sold it in 2016. And in 2022 he started Alan Jones Design. His ministry has allowed him to travel in Southern and Eastern Africa, and in 2014 he started Firebrand Church in Gig Harbor, WA. In 2015 Alan published The Subjective God (available on Amazon). In adition to brand development, graphic design, and pastoring, Alan is an artist, writer, musician, and songwriter.




Brand Asset Management

We developed for the purpose of stressless management of your Brand Assets, Logos, Colors, Fonts, Icons, Photo's and Other Brand Assets. We provide a free unique URL for each of our clients for easy distribution of brand Assets.


GroupLands Web Development is our web and app design and development arm. We make Exclusive Community Web Apps, Responsive Websites, and other Web Tools.